日本魚類学会 English
学会について 委員会 お知らせ/情報 行事案内 出版物 お問合せ
27巻4号  1981年2月15日発行  
The posterior cardinal veins and kidneys of fishes, with notes on their phylogenetic significance.
Hin-Kiu Mok

Glyptothorax silviae, a new species of sisorid catfish from southwestern Iran.
Brian W. Coad

Redescription of the zoarcid fish Lycozoarces regani.
Mitsugu Toyoshima

Cleavage pattern and formation of the blastocoel in the egg of the eel, Anguilla japonica.
Kiichiro Yamamoto

Feeding habit of Semicossyphus maculatus (Labridae) in coastal waters of Iquique in northern Chile.
Héctor R. Fuentes

Morphometrics of the respiratory organs of an estuarine goby, Boleophthalmus boddaerti.
Biswas Niva, Jagdish Ojha and J. S. Datta Munshi
【 短   報 】
A new record of the pomacanthid fish Centropyge interruptus from the Hawaiian Islands.
Stephen Ralston

Additional specimens of Minous longimanus from the western Indian Ocean, distinct from M. inermis.
Kunio Amaoka and Tsutomu Kanayama


細川和子・伏見 徹・松里寿彦

