30巻4号 1984年2月15日発行 |
A new percichthyid fish Neoscombrops atlanticus from the Caribbean Sea.
Mochizuki, K. and M. Sano
Review of the deep sea squaloid shark genus Scymnodon of Japan, with a description of a new species 1 2.
Yano, K. and S. Tanaka
Lates japonicus, a new centropomid fish from Japan.
Katayama, M. and Y. Taki
A new dragonet (Callionymidae) of the genus Callionymus from Australia.
Fricke, R. and U. Heckele
Festucalex prolixus, a new species of pipefish (Syngnathidae) from the western Indo-Pacific region.
Dawson, C. E.
Early life history of Lutjanus vitta (Lutjanidae) in Yuya Bay, the Sea of Japan.
Mori, K.
Scanning electron microscopic studies on bacterial gill disease in rainbow trout fingerlings 1 2.
Kudo, S. and N. Kimura
Electron microscopic study on adhesive material of Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) eggs.
Ohta, H.
森 誠一
田北 徹・近藤慎一 |