26巻1号 1979年6月15日発行 |
Polyplacapros tyleri, a new genus and species of ostraciid trunkfish from off eastern Australia and Norfolk Ridge.
Eiichi Fujii and Teruya Uyeno
Prosoproctus pataecus, a new genus and species of velvetfish from the South China Sea (Aploactinidae: Scorpaeniformes).
Stuart G. Poss and William N. Eschmeyer
Two new anthiine fishes of the genus Holanthias from the southern and western Pacific.
John E. Randall, L. A. Maugé and Yves B. Plessis
Blainville's dogfish, Squalus blainville, from Japan, with notes on S. mitsukurii and S. japonicus.
Chetsung Chen, Toru Taniuchi and Yukio Nose
Two new species of freshwater gobies (Gobiidae: Sicydiaphiinae) from Ishigaki Island, Japan.
Harumi Sakai and Morizumi Nakamura
Centropyge shepardi, a new angelfish from the Mariana and Ogasawara Islands.
John E. Randall and Fujio Yasuda
Age and growth of the two Japanese scombropids, Scombrops boops and S. gilberti.
Kenji Mochizuki
Interspecific variations in the circadian rhythm of bimodal oxygen uptake in four species of murrels.
Jyoti S. D. Munshi, Ajoy K. Patra, Niva Biswas and Jagdish Ojha
Fine structure of the small and large mucous cells found in the skin epidermis of two cottids, Pseudoblennius cottoides and Furcina sp. 1 2.
Mitsuo Sato
福井 正二郎 |