29巻4号 1983年3月10日発行 |
The relationships of the mastacembelid and synbranchid fishes.
William A. Gosline
A new genus and species of atherinid fish, Dentatherina merceri from the western Pacific.
J. M. Patten and Walter Ivantsoff
A new anthiine fish, Anthias luzonensis (Perciformes; Serranidae), from the Philippines.
Masao Katayama and Hajime Masuda
Myersina nigrivirgata, a new species of goby from Okinawa Prefecture in Japan.
Prince Akihito and Katsusuke Meguro
Two new species of the genus Foetorepus (Callionymidae) from the Emperor Seamounts, North-central Pacific.
Tetsuji Nakabo, Eiichi Yamamoto and Chung-Hui Chen
Atherina lacunosa and the fishes described by J. R. Forster.
Peter J. P. Whitehead and Walter Ivantsoff
A new lutjanid fish, Lutjanus stellatus, from southern Japan and a related species, L. rivulatus (Cuvier).
Masato Akazaki
New and rare liparidid species from the Okhotsk and Bering seas and their adjacent waters.
Kaoru Kido
Diagnoses of 24 new species and proposal of a new name for a species of Indo-Pacific clupeoid fishes 1 2.
Thosaporn Wongratana
The gempylid, Nesiarchus nasutus from Japan and the Sulu Sea.
Izumi Nakamura, Eiichi Fujii and Takao Arai
Changes in biochemical composition in starving catfish Heteropneustes fossilis.
Saleem Mustafa
Effects of water flow and hypoxia on respiration of the frogfishes, Histrio histrio and Phrynelox tridens.
Shun-Ichi Umezawa and George M. Hughes
Seasonal migration and gonadal changes in the hagfish Eptatretus burgeri.
Kazuhiko Tsuneki, Masami Ouji and Hiroshi Saito
Embryonic and larval development of the callionymid fish, Callionymus calliste.
Toru Takita
塩垣 優 |