日本魚類学会 English
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31巻2号  1984年8月1日発行  
Review of Japanese fishes of the genus Cirripectes (Blenniidae) with description of a new species.
Fukao, R.

Three new species of the cyprinid genus Schizothorax from Lake Rara, northwestern Nepal.
Terashima, A.

A revision of the Japanese sillaginid fishes.
Sano, M. and K. Mochizuki

A new species of the genus Paradiplogrammus (Callionymidae) from the western Pacific.
Nakabo, T.

A new pipehorse (Syngnathidae) from Western Australia, with remarks on the subgenera of Acentronura.
Dawson, C. E.

Sexual dimorphism in a river sculpin Cottus hangiongensis.
Goto, A.

Histological changes of several organs during growth of the brook lamprey Lampetra reissneri .
Tsuneki, K. and M. Ouji


アオブダイ Scarus ovifrons とその synonym とされた Scarus viridifucatus の形態比較
服部 仁

水槽内で観察されたメガネハギ Sufflamen fraenatus の産卵行動

鈴木伸洋・日比谷 京
【 短   報 】
Occurrence of the liparidid fish, Paraliparis pectoralis, in the Bering Sea.
Kido, K.

A record of an ariommid fish, Ariomma indica, from Japan.
Urano, T. and K. Mochizuki