31巻1号 1984年5月15日発行 |
A new percichthyid fish Synagrops trispinosus from the Caribbean Sea and its adjacent waters.
Mochizuki, K. and M. Sano
Astronesthes trifibulatus, a new Indo-Pacific stomioid fish (family Astronesthidae) related to the Atlantic A. similis.
Gibbs, R. H., Jr., K. Amaoka and C. Haruta
A new trichonotid fish from the Yaeyama Islands, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan.
Shimada, K. and T. Yoshino
Uropterygius nagoensis, a new muraenid eel from Okinawa, Japan.
Hatooka, K.
Age composition, growth, sex ratio and gonad development of Salmo gairdneri and Salmo mykiss in the North Pacific.
Okazaki, T.
Morphometric changes during growth of the brook lamprey Lampetra reissneri.
Tsuneki, K. and M. Ouji
Comparative histology of the Leydig and epigonal organs in some elasmobranchs.
Honma, Y., K. Okabe and A. Chiba
Survival, behavioural response and haematological profile of catfish Heteropneustes fossilis exposed to DDT.
Mustafa, S. and A. Murad
Role of the trunk musculature in oviposition of the carp, Cyprinus carpio.
Uematsu, K.
Structures and functions of segments in some teleostean nephrons.
Endo, M. and M. Kimura |
A probable hybrid butterflyfish of the genus Chaetodon from the Ogasawara Islands.
Sano, M., K. Okuzawa, T. Yamakawa and K. Mochizuki
The third specimen of cyclopterid fish, Eumicrotremus barbatus, from Japan.
Kido, K.
Notes on the rostral organ of anchovies (family Engraulidae).
Nelson, G.
Occurrence and reproductive mode of the false cat shark, Pseudotriakis microdon, in Japan.
Taniuchi, T., H. Kobayashi and T. Otake
Presence of food as an entraining factor of rhythmic activity in Chaenogobius laevis in captivity.
Sawara, Y. and T. Ogawa |