30巻3号 1983年11月28日発行 |
A new and a rare apogonid species of the genus Epigonus from Japan.
Mochizuki, K. and K. Shirakihara
Portuguese shark, Centroscymnus coelolepis from Japan, with notes on C. owstoni.
Yano, K. and S. Tanaka
A new triglid fish, Pterygotrigla multipunctata, from Japan.
Yatou, T. and T. Yamakawa
Maturation and spawning of the dragonet, Callionymus enneactis, in an aquarium.
Takita, T., T. Iwamoto, S. Kai and I. Sogabe
Streaking behaviour of mature male parrs of the Miyabe charr, Salvelinus malma miyabei, during spawning.
Maekawa, K.
Distribution and seasonal abundance of Salmo gairdneri and Salmo mykiss in the North Pacific Ocean.
Okazaki, T.
Transmission electron microscopic studies on bacterial gill disease in rainbow trout fingerlings 1 2
. Kudo, S. and N. Kimura
Group effect on oxygen consumption of the ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis) in relation to growth stage.
Umezawa, S.-I., S. Adachi and K. Taneda
Linear alkylbenzenesulfonate によって誘導される魚の鰓の特異反応.
北島 力・塚島康生 |
Comments on the development of fin-supports in fishes.
Kohno, H. and Y. Taki
The percoid genus Sphyraenops, from the Pacific Ocean, with discussion on Scombrosphyraena.
Suda, Y. and Y. Tominaga
First records of the blenniid fishes, Petroscirtes springeri and Petroscirtes variabilis, from Japan.
Yatsu, A., A. Iwata and M. Sato
Occurrence of the porbeagle shark, Lamna nasus, in the Tasman Sea.
Stevens, J. D., M. C. Dunning and S. Machida
Geographic distributions of karyological races of Cobitis biwae (Cobitididae).
Kimizuka, Y. and H. Kobayasi
Spinal curvature in the carangid fish Seriola aureovittata from Miyake-jima, Japan.
Komada, N. and J. T. Moyer
澤田幸雄・相澤裕幸 |