日本魚類学会 English
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30巻2号  1983年8月15日発行  
Two new genera and two new species of clingfishes from Japan, with comments on head sensory canals of the Gobiesocidae.
Shiogaki, M. and Y. Dotsu

A new callionymid fish, Synchiropus kiyoae, from the Izu Islands, Japan.
Fricke, R. and M. J. Zaiser

A revision of the cichlid fish genus Petrochromis from Lake Tanganyika, with description of a new species.
Yamaoka, K.

A new anthiine fish, Anthias truncatus, from the Kerama Islands, Okinawa.
Katayama, M. and H. Masuda

A new species of Lobulogobius (Teleostei: Gobiidae) from the Arafura Sea.
Larson, H. K.

Occurrence and formation of vertebral anomalies in the cyprinid fish, Zacco platypus.
Komada, N.

Aspects of the reproductive biology of the wrasse, Cirrhilabrus temminckii, at Miyake-jima, Japan.
Bell, L. J.

Spawning habits and reproductive isolating mechanism of two closely related river-sculpins, Cottus amblystomopsis and C. nozawae.
Goto, A.

Gill structure of the yellowtail and frogfish.
Hughes, G. M. and S. Umezawa

小野里 坦・鳥澤 雅・草間政幸
【 短   報 】
A stichaeid fish Chirolophis otohime, a junior synonym of Chirolophis japonicus.
Shiogaki, M.