日本魚類学会 English
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29巻1号  1982年6月30日発行  
A revision of the holocentrid fish genus Ostichthys, with descriptions of four new species and a related new genus .
John E. Randall, Takeshi Shimizu and Takeshi Yamakawa

Lepidopus calcar, a new trichiurid fish from the Hawaiian Underwater Ridge.
Nikolay V. Parin and Sergei V. Mikhailin

Rare boxfishes, Kentrocapros flavofasciatus and K. rosapinto, with notes on their relationships.
Keiichi Matsuura and Takeshi Yamakawa

Phylogeny of the chaetodontids on the basis of kidney and intestinal differentiations.
Hin-Kiu Mok and Shih-Chieh Shen

Participation of overlying layers in determining the shape of melanophores on Oryzias latipes scales.
Tadayuki Ohta

Fine structure of mucous cells in the skin epidermis of the arctic lamprey, Lampetra japonica.
Mitsuo Sato

塩垣 優

落合 明・睦谷一馬・楳田 晋
【 短   報 】
The squirrelfish genus Adioryx, a junior synonym of Sargocentron.
Keiichi Matsuura and Takeshi Shimizu

Feeding habits of Graus nigra (Labridae) in coastal waters of Iquique in northern Chile.
Héctor R. Fuentes

A second Indo-Pacific species of Thrissina.
Gareth Nelson

塩垣 優