28巻4号 1982年2月27日発行 |
Revision of the family Draconettidae.
Tetsuji Nakabo
A review of the serranid fish genus Grammatonotus, with description of a new species.
Masao Katayama, Eiichi Yamamoto and Takeshi Yamakawa
A new aploactinid fish of the genus Kanekonia from Indonesia and redescription of K. florida.
Stuart G. Poss
Two new argentinine fishes of the genus Glossanodon from the eastern South Pacific.
Nikolay V. Parin and Yuri N. Shcherbachev
A new triacanthodid fish, Triacanthodes indicus, from the Indian Ocean.
Keiichi Matsuura
A new anthiine fish, Anthias leucozonus, from Sagami Bay, Japan.
Masao Katayama and Hajime Masuda
Protein, RNA and DNA levels in liver and brain of starved catfish Clarias batrachus.
Saleem Mustafa and and Archana Mittal
Social behaviour and mating system of the gobiid fish Amblyeleotris japonica.
Yasunobu Yanagisawa
Periblast in the egg of the eel, Anguilla japonica.
Kiichiro Yamamoto
Gonadal sex differentiation in whitespotted char, Salvelinus leucomaenis.
Masaru Nakamura
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