28巻3号 1981年11月30日発行 |
A review of the damselfishes of the genus Chromis from Japan and Taiwan, with description of a new species
3. John E. Randall, Hitoshi Ida and Jack T. Moyer
Two new species of gobiid fishes from the Colombian Pacific. Arturo Acero P.
A larval Ipnops and its possible metamorphosing process. Muneo Okiyama
Revision of the eelpout genus Derjuginia. Mitsugu Toyoshima
Remarkable changes in the vertebrae of perciform fish Scombrolabrax with notes on its anatomy and systematics. Carl E. Bond and Teruya Uyeno
A new triglid fish, Lepidotrigla longifaciata, from Japan. Takuji Yatou
Larvae and juveniles of grey triggerfish, Balistes capriscus, from southern Brazil. Yasunobu Matsuura and Mario Katsuragawa
Ventilation of the air-breathing organ in the snakehead Channa argus. Atsushi Ishimatsu and Yasuo Itazawa
Effects of hypophysectomy and pituitary extract treatment on blood and liver metabolites of a catfish, Clarias batrachus. B. D. Joshi and T. Sharma
Histological observations of some organs in the porcupine fish, Diodon holacanthus, stranded in Niigata on the coast of Japan Sea. Akira Chiba and Yoshiharu Honma
Seasonal changes in the thymus of the viviparous surfperch, Ditrema temmincki, with special reference to its maturity and gestation. Eimitsu Tamura, Yoshiharu Honma and Yutaka Kitamura
Fluoride concentration in teeth of tetraodontiform fishes and its phylogenetic significance. Shoichi Suga, Koji Wada and Masaaki Ogawa
ベーリング海および北太平洋北部から得られたボウズギンポ Zaprora silenus の仔稚魚. 針生 勤・西山恒夫
ハナジロガジ(新称)の生活史. 塩垣 優
シロズキンハゼの学名および形態的特徴. 明仁親王・目黒勝介