26巻4号 1980年2月15日発行 |
Metamorphosis of the leptocephali of the ten-pounder, Elops hawaiensis, from Ishigaki Island, Japan. Mitsuaki Sato and Fujio Yasuda
A new draconettid, Centrodraco otohime, from the Kyushu-Palau Ridge. Tetsuji Nakabo and Eiichi Yamamoto
Ellerkeldia wilsoni, a new species of serranid fish from southwestern Australia. Gerald R. Allen and Jack T. Moyer
Spawning behavior, eggs, and larvae of the butterflyfish, Chaetodon nippon, in an aquarium. Katsumi Suzuki, Yoichi Tanaka and Syozo Hioki
三重県平倉川におけるアマゴ Oncorhynchus rhodurus の体の大きさと食物の関係. 名越 誠・酒井寿之
ウグイの椎体の成長について. 駒田格知