Review of the squirrelfishes (subfamily Holocentrinae: order Beryciformes) of Japan, with a description of a new species 1 2.
Jack T. Moyer
Mating strategies and reproductive behavior of ostraciid fishes at Miyake-jima, Japan 1 2.
Jack T. Moyer
Spawning behavior, eggs, and larvae of the lutjanid fish, Lutjanus kasmira, in an aquarium.
Katsumi Suzuki and Syozo Hioki
On the circulatory systems of the snakeheads Channa maculata and C. argus with reference to bimodal breathing.
Atsushi Ishimatsu, Yasuo Itazawa and Tatsusuke Takeda
Scanning electron microscopy of the buccal funnel of the arctic lamprey, Lampetra japonica, during its metamorphosis, with special reference to tooth formation 1 2 3.
Sumio Yoshie and Yoshiharu Honma
Sicydium 属と Sicyopterus 属の相違について.
鈴木 清・木村清志 |