日本魚類学会 English
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25巻1号  1978年6月26日発行  
Comparative morphology and interspecific relationships of the cyprinid genus Puntius.
Yasuhiko Taki, Akari Katsuyama and Tousei Urushido

Growth and development of Salvelinus malma miyabei compared with other forms of S. malma.
Koji Maekawa

Discordipinna griessingeri, a new genus and species of gobiid fish from the tropical Indo-west Pacific.
Douglass F. Hoese and P. Fourmanoir

Population structure, reproductive behavior and protogynous hermaphroditism in the angelfish Centropyge interruptus at Miyake-jima, Japan.
Jack T. Moyer and Akinobu Nakazono

A new stichaeid fish, Dictyosoma rubrimaculata from Japan, with notes on the geographic dimorphism in Dictyosoma burgeri.
Akihito Yatsu, Fujio Yasuda and Yasuhiko Taki


【 短   報 】
Record of the beryciform fish, Anoplogaster cornuta, from the western North Pacific.
Takeshi Shimizu

Discovery of the morid fish Halargyreus johnsonii in the western North Pacific.
Tsutomu Kanayama, Toru Sasaki and Hoshi Sasaki
