日本魚類学会 English
学会について 委員会 お知らせ/情報 行事案内 出版物 お問合せ
24巻1号  1977年7月20日発行  
Interspecific and intraspecific variations of muscle protein in the Japanese crucian carp-II. Starch-gel electrophoretic pattern.
Nobuhiko Taniguchi and Kazuo Sakata

Histological observations on the cutaneous processes on the head of Azuma emmnion and Hemitripterus villosus.
Mitsuo Sato

Changes in the thyroid gland associated with the diadromous migration of the threespine stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus.
Yoshiharu Honma, Seiji Shioda and Sumio Yoshie

Changes with growth in bony cranial projections and color patterns in the Japanese boarfish, Pentaceros japonicus.
Akira Zama, Minoru Asai and Fujio Yasuda


塩垣 優・道津喜衛

然別湖産イワナの変異性に関する研究.Ⅲ.オショロコマ Salvelinus malma の地理的変異と然別湖産イワナの形態的特徴
【 短   報 】
Records of the pelagic armorhead, Pentaceros richardsoni, from Hachijo Island and the Ogasawara Islands.
Akira Zama, Minoru Asai and Fujio Yasuda

Differentiation of the cyprinids, Hampala macrolepidota and H. dispar.
Yasuhiko Taki and Arata Kawamoto