23巻4号 1977年3月31日発行
Description of a new alepocephalid fish,
Bajacalifornia erimoensis
, and a second record of
Alepocephalus umbriceps
off Japan
Kunio Amaoka and Koji Abe
Comparative morphology of the expanded epipleural and its associated structures in four species of the Trachichthyidae
Takeshi Shimizu
Signigobius biocellatus
, a new genus and species of sand-dwelling coral reef gobiid fish from the western tropical Pacific
Douglass F. Hoese and Gerald R. Allen
Spawning behavior and development of eggs and larvae of the striped fingerfish,
Monodactylus sebae
Sumito Akatsu, Yoshimitsu Ogasawara and Fujio Yasuda
Gut patterns of the Acanthuridae and Zanclidae
Hin-Kiu Mok
Histology of barbels of
Blepsias cirrhosus draciscus
Mitsuo Sato
【 短 報 】
A record of the Labrid fish
Pseudocheilinus evanidus
from Japan
John W. Shepard and Kazushi Okamoto
A pugheaded specimen found among a school of bluefin tuna,
Thunnus thynnus
Izumi Nakamura
First record of the neoscopelid fish,
Scopelengys tristis
from Japan
Teruya Uyeno and Shuzo Kishida
磯打 勉