日本魚類学会 English
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23巻3号  1976年12月30日発行  
Two new species of the genus Luciogobius (family Gobiidae) from Japan.
Masaru Shiogaki and Yoshie Dotsu

A new pomacanthid fish, Chaetodontoplus caeruleopunctatus, from the Philippines.
Fujio Yasuda and Yoshiaki Tominaga

Stomach content analysis of longnose lancetfish, Alepisaurus ferox in the eastern Indian Ocean and the Coral Sea.
Kiyoshi Fujita and Jin Hattori


コバンザメ Echeneis naucrates の卵発生と仔魚の形態変化
赤崎正人・中島東夫・川原 大・高松史朗

【 短   報 】
Notes on the labrid fish Stethojulis maculata from Japan.
John W. Shepard and John E. Randall

Sexual dimorphism in a triggerfish, Balistapus undulatus.
Keiichi Matsuura

Chromosomes of Leptobotia curta (Cobitidae, Cypriniformes).
Yukio Sawada

On the spawning behavior of Clarias batrachus.
Nirmal K. Thakur