19巻2号 1972年9月20日発行 |
Plectranthias yamakawai, a new anthiine fish from Ryukyu Islands, with a revision of the genus Plectranthias.
Tetsuo Yoshino
Gobiodon okinawae, a new coral-goby from the Ryukyu Islands, Japan.
Yukio Sawada, Ryoichi Arai and Tokiharu Abe
Botia eos, a new spiny loach from Thailand and Laos, with notes on some related forms in Asia.
Yasuhiko Taki
Functional anatomy of the olfactory organs in the moray, Muraena undulata.
A. S. Kapoor and P. P. Ojha
Comparative studies of the Japanese platycephalid fishes by electropherograms of muscle proteins, LDH and MDH.
Nobuhiko Taniguchi, Akira Ochiai and Tsuguo Miyazaki
Fibrosarcoma in pond-cultured hybrids of Salvelinus.
Fumio Takashima and Takashi Hibiya
神奈川県で採集されたマツゲハゼ Oxyurichthys ophthalmonema とその学名の検討.
木村清朗 |