日本魚類学会 English
学会について 委員会 お知らせ/情報 行事案内 出版物 お問合せ
18巻1号  1971年6月15日発行  
Gonostomatid fishes of the western North Pacific .
Kouichi Kawaguchi

Fine structure of the large pit organ of the goby, Chaenogobius castaneus.
Sachiko Ishida and Mitsuo Sato

Studies on the larvae and juveniles of the sinistral flounders-II. Chascanopsetta lugubris.
Kunio Amaoka

Record of the dragonet, Draculo mirabilis Snyder, from Hokkaido, Japan.
Ryoichi Arai

A pug-headed specimen of black porgy, Acanthopagrus schlegeli, from the river-mouth of Asakawa, Shikoku.
Yoshiharu Honma and Isamu Ikeda

林 勇夫
