14巻1/3号 1966年8月20日発行 |
Oxymetopon compressus, a new eleotrid fish from Hong Kong.
Chan, W. L.
A new genus and species of deep-sea brotulid from the South China Sea.
Chan, W. L.
Notes on opisthognathid jawfishes from Hong Kong, with the description of a new species.
Chan, W. L.
Cocotropus hongkongiensis, a new species of the Aploactidae from Hong Kong.
Chan, W. L.
イトウ Hucho perryi (Brevoort) の生活史について.
Studies on deep-water fishes from off Hokkaido and adjacent regions. VIII-IX.
Ueno, T. and Abe, K.
我が国から未記録のスズメダイ科魚類の1種 Teixeirichthys mossambicus について.
山川 武
新潟県魚類目録補訂 (VIII).
堀田秀之・童 逸修
堀田秀之・小達 繁
X 線被照射キンギョの頭腎内造血細胞密度と分裂頻度におよぼす温度の影響.
Cranial nerves of the common catfish, Clarias batrachus (Linn.).
Saxena, P. K.
Some salient features in the cranial nerves of certain teleostean fishes.
Saxena, P. K.
A case of abnormality in the testes of Mastacembelus armatus (Lacep.).
Maheshwari, S. C.
On the gill-structure of a cobitid fish-Lepidocephalichthys guntea (Ham.).
Singh, B. R.
Histological observations on the skin of the head of a clupeoid fish, Gudusia chapra (Ham. Buch.).
Kapoor, B. G.
Structure and seasonal changes in the testes of a hill stream fish, Glyptosternum pectinopterum.
Khanna, S. S. and Pant, M. C.
Studies on the physiology of digestion in Sisor rabdophorus Hamilton.
Agrawal, V. P. and Mahajan, C. L.
Additional records of boreal species of fishes in the southern piscifaunal area of Japan, with special reference to the emergences of the sablefish and Greenland halibut in Sagami Bay during the first half of 1966.
Abe, T. |