10巻2/6号 1963年9月30日発行 |
On the brain pattern of Heptranchias perlo. Masai, H.
On the brain pattern of Heterodontus zebra. Masai, H.
The testicular development of the silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (C. & V.), in captivity in relation to the repressive effects of wastes from fishes. Tang, Y. A.
瀬戸内海で未記録のホシヨウジについて. 溝上昭男
メダカ Oryzias latipes の正常初期発生段階. 蒲生英男・寺島郁子
Hybridization experiments in cyprinid fishes. VI. Reciprocal crosses between Gnathopogon elongatus elongatus and Gnathopogon japonicus. Suzuki, R.
Description of a new deep-sea fish of the genus Rondeletia from Japan. Abe, T. and Hotta H.
A record of Barbourisia rufa Parr from off the Kurile Islands. Abe, T. and Maruyama, K.
New, rare or uncommon fishes from Japanese waters. VIII. A record of Rhamphocottus richardsoni. Abe, T.