日本魚類学会 English
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1982年度 魚類学会シンポジウム  
【日 時】
【会 場】
広島大学教育学部) (福山市)
磯魚の生態 ― 摂餌と繁殖を中心として ―
  Symposium: Ecology of shore fishes--On their feeding and spawning--
コンビナー:落合 明・角田俊平・高橋正雄
Shinsaku Matsumuma: Feeding ecology and food distribution of the sparid fish Mylio macrocephalus.
Ziyusei Kanamoto: Feeding ecology and food distribution of scorpaeniform fishes, Sebastes inermis, Argammus agrammus and Hexagrammus otakii.
Kenji Gushima: Feeding ecology and food distribution of Parupeneus spilurus (Mullidae) and Talassoma lutescens (Labridae).
Haruki Ochi: Spawning behavior of the pomacentrid fish Chromis notata.
Akinobu Nakazono: Maring strategies of embiotocid and labrid fishes.
Tetsuo Kuwamura: Spawning behavior and mating strategies of apogonid fishes.
Convener: Akira Ochiai, Shunpei Kakuda and Masao Takahashi.