日本魚類学会 English
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1981年度 魚類学会シンポジウム  
【日 時】
【会 場】
三重大学水産学部 (三重県志摩郡志摩町)
  Symposium on the geographical distributions of freshwater fishes in Japan
コンビナー:岩井 保・上野輝弥・名越 誠
Nobuhiko Mizuno: Distribution and interruption among four migratory types of Rhinogobius brunneus.
Yoshiteru Kimizuka: Geographical distribution and karyotypes of the Cobitinae.
Kazumi Hosoya: Distribution and variation of the cyprinid fish, Sarcocheilichthys variegates.
Akira Goto: Ichthyofauna in Hokkaido and distribution of freshwater sculpins.
Yoshio Tomoda: Introductory analysis of some cyprinid remains from the Miocene deposits of Japan and the Kobiwako Group.
Tsuneo Nakajima: Discussion
Teruya Uyeno: Discussion