Welcome to the Society |
Kei'ichiro Iguchi
(Nagasaki University)
The 29th President |
Dear Members and Colleagues,
Greetings to all! As the president of the Ichthyological Society of Japan, it is my distinct pleasure to extend a warm welcome to each and every one of you.
Our society is a vibrant community, united by a shared passion for fish research, nature conservation, and advocacy for greater awareness. Together, we embark on a journey to explore the fascinating world of ichthyology, delving into the intricate tapestry of fish diversity and the remarkable evolutionary trajectories that have shaped it.
In the realm of ichthyology, our collective goal is profound – to gain a comprehensive understanding of biodiversity and to be steadfast custodians, passing this knowledge to future generations without compromising its inherent value. At the heart of this endeavor lies the fundamental recognition of species. It is through the lens of taxonomy that we unravel the phylogenetic relationships among fish species and decipher the unique roles each plays within the ecosystem.
Regrettably, recent years have witnessed the distressing deterioration of ecosystems globally. Among the vital components of biodiversity, fish species and populations face imminent threats of extinction due to overfishing, environmental degradation, climate change, and other impactful factors. The Ichthyological Society of Japan is resolutely focused on the urgent cause of biodiversity conservation and is poised to take meaningful action.
This platform serves as a gateway to a wealth of information, ranging from the foundational principles of ichthyology to the cutting-edge discoveries in our field. It is our sincere hope that this space becomes a thriving forum for dialogue on how ichthyology can contribute to upholding the sustainability of our natural environment.
Let us pool our scientific acumen and love for fish to collectively explore the wonders of this captivating natural world. Together, we can make a difference and pave the way for a future where the beauty and richness of ichthyological diversity endure.
Thank you for your dedication to the cause, and I eagerly anticipate the exciting journey that lies ahead for the Ichthyological Society of Japan.
Kei'ichiro Iguchi, President Ichthyological Society of Japan
■Past Presidents
Appointments |
Names |
Affiliations |
Periods |
Figs |
1st |
Yaichiro OKADA |
Mie Pref. Univ. |
1968.4.3-1969.12.31 |
1 |
2nd & 6th |
Tokiharu ABE |
Tokai Reg. Fish. Res. Lab. |
1970.1.1-1972.4.1, 1978.4.1-1980.3.31 |
2 |
3rd & 7th |
Tokyo Univ. Fish. |
1972.4.1-1974.3,.31 1980.4.1-1982.3.31 |
3 |
4th |
Katsuzo KURONUMA |
Tokyo Univ. Fish. |
1974.4.1-1976.3.31 |
4 |
5th & 8th |
Morizumi NAKAMURA |
Nat. Sci. Mus. |
1976.4.1-1978.3.31, 1982.4.1-1984.3.31 |
5 |
9th & 11th |
Teruya UYENO |
Nat. Sci. Mus. |
1984.4.1-1986.3.31, 1988.4.1-1990.3.31 |
6 |
10th & 13th |
Tamotsu IWAI |
Kyoto Univ. |
1986.4.1-1988.3.31, 1992.4.1-1994.3.31 |
7 |
12th |
Akira OCHIAI |
Kochi Univ. |
1990.4.1-1992.3.31 |
8 |
14th & 16th |
Univ. Tokyo |
1994.4.1-1995.12.31, 1998.1.1-1999.12.31 |
9 |
15th & 17th |
Kunio AMAOKA |
Hokkaido Univ. |
1996.1.1-1998.12.31, 2000.1.1-2001.12.31 |
10 |
18th & 20th |
Keiichi MATSUURA |
Nat. Sci. Mus. |
2002.1.1-2003.12.31, 2006.1.1-2007.12.31 |
11 |
19th & 21st |
Mutsumi NISHIDA |
Univ. Tokyo |
2004.1.1-2005.12,31, 2008.1.1-2009.12.31 |
12 |
22nd |
Akira GOTO |
Hokkaido Univ. |
2010.1.1-2011.12.31 |
13 |
23rd |
Seishi KIMURA |
Mie Univ. |
2012.1.1-2013.12.31 |
14 |
24th |
Mamoru YABE |
Hokkaido Univ. |
2014.1.1-2015.12.31 |
15 |
25th |
Chukyo Univ. |
2016.1.1-2017.9.18 |
16 |
26th |
Kazumi HOSOYA |
Kindai Univ. |
2017.9.19-2019.9.23 |
17 |
27th |
Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci. |
2019.9.24-2021.9.20 |
18 |
28th |
Hiroshi SENOU |
Kanagawa Pref. Mus. Nat. Hist. |
2021.9.21-2023.9.4 |
19 |
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