The 55th ISJ Annual Meeting (Web Meeting), 18–20 September, 2021
The ISJ Annual Meeting in Fukui, 2021, was unfortunately canceled due to the continuing worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. However, as with the last year, we have decided to hold the meeting online. We will keep the activities for advancement of ichthyology by sharing this opportunity with the society members to present your papers and interact each other under these difficult circumstances. The online meeting will take place during 18 (Sat)–20 September (Mon), 2021, in Japanese (primary) and English. Only the society members have the privilege of attending the meeting.
Registration to present papers (oral or poster)

The presenter must be an honorary member or an individual member (regular, student, foreign and sustaining) of ISJ, having paid a membership fee of the 2021 fiscal year (from 1 August, 2021 to 31 July, 2022).

If you are a foreign student living in Japan and having difficulty in registering in our website (in Japanese) https://sites.google.com/view/isj2021/, then you might want to ask for your supervisor’s help to navigate the system. In this case, make sure to type in the supervisor’s name in the designated area in the system.

If you are an individual foreign member and unable to fill in the web form in Japanese by any means, then you can still download a form by clicking here, fill it in, and send it by e-mail to the representative of the organizing committee (Dr. Yusuke Miyazaki, email address: isj_mtg2021_info@fish-isj.jp).

The registration is due by 17:00 (JST, GMT+9:00) on 30 July, 2021. Bare in your mind this deadline is for presenters only, and if you do not present papers but just like to participate in the meeting, then there is no need to pre-register.

Abstract submission
The participants who wish to present papers must prepare for abstracts in English or Japanese and send it to the organizing committee (Email address: isj_mtg2021_abst@fish-isj.jp). Abstracts for all oral and poster presentations must be received by 17:00 on 31 August, 2021 (JST, GMT+9:00). All of the abstracts will be included in the 2021 Annual Meeting Abstracts, which can be downloaded from the ISJ webpage for member only in the middle of September.
Abstract preparation

Type in the title of paper followed by author(s) and affiliations. If your paper has co-author(s), then you must mark the presenter by an asterisk. Type in the affiliation in the parentheses after the name of the author. Also, insert a single-line space between the title and name of the author, and then another single-line space before the body of the abstract.

The following tags can be used when necessary:
a. italic: <I>character</I>
b. superscript: <SUP>character</SUP>
c. subscript: <SUB>character</SUB>

The abstract, including the title and name of the author (and affiliation), should not exceed more than 1504 characters (NOT words) (94 characters by 16 lines). Please note that all of the spaces between lines and words are also counted as the number of characters.

Registration is free of charge.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Dr. Yusuke Miyazaki by email (Email address: isj_mtg2021_info@fish-isj.jp)

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