日本魚類学会 English
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28巻1号  1981年5月25日発行  
Review of the Indo-Pacific doryrhamphine pipefish genus Doryichthys.
C. E. Dawson

Labrid fishes of the genus Paracheilinus, with descriptions of three new species from the Philippines.
John E. Randall and Roger Lubbock

Two nominal species of Merluccius from New Zealand and southern South America.
Tadashi Inada

Oviphagous embryos of the pseudocarchariid shark, Pseudocarcharias kamoharai, from the central Pacific.
Kiyoshi Fujita

Seasonal occurrence of milkfish fry at Tanegashima and Yakushima in southern Japan.
Tetsushi Senta and Akio Hirai

Social organization and spawning behavior of the pteroine fish Dendrochirus zebra at Miyake-jima, Japan.
Jack T. Moyer and Martha J. Zaiser

塩垣 優

【 短   報 】
First record of the deep-sea sole, Embassichthys bathybius, from Japan.
Kunio Amaoka, Kazuo Sakamoto and Koji Abe

First records of two pufferfishes, Arothron mappa and A. reticularis, from Japan.
Keiichi Matsuura and Minoru Toda

Syngnathus caldwelli Herald et Randall, a junior synonym of Parasyngnathus howensis Whitley.
Ronald A. Fritzsche

Notes on the reproductive behavior of the lizardfish Synodus ulae at Miyake-jima, Japan.
Martha J. Zaiser and Jack T. Moyer

Histochemical study on intermediate muscle in fishes.
Makoto Endo and Masao Kimura
